Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The movie follows a group of people who attempt to contact alien intelligence. After an encounter with U.F.O.s, a line worker feels undeniably drawn to an isolated area in the wilderness where something spectacular is about to happen.
4 January 1924, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
21 April 1940, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
20 January 1933, Sparta, Tennessee, USA
17 May 1951, USA
27 May 1920, Los Angeles, California, USA
30 May 1933, USA
16 November 1966, Inglewood, California, USA
11 December 1947, Lakewood, Ohio, USA
May 26, 2016
Time for another encounter.June 16, 2015
Obviously [Spielberg] had a ball with Close Encounters, and his pleasure in tinkertoying it together makes it enjoyable, mildly funny and -- in one sequence -- even credible.August 22, 2014
[Spielberg's] new movie is richer and more ambitious than Jaws, and it reaches the viewer at a far more profound level than Star Wars.August 04, 2013
Another classic from Spielberg's most fertile period.September 08, 2007
One of the great moviegoing experiences.May 24, 2016
Spielberg's greatest work.June 05, 2007
This is dopey Hollywood mysticism all right, but thanks to considerable craft and showmanship, it packs an undeniable punch.August 04, 2013
It must weather some bummy mid-passage exposition, but the movie survive its flaws triumphantly, evolving into a uniquely transporting filmgoing spectacle.May 25, 2016
It's a big ol' mess of a movie, but an extremely lovable one.November 15, 2016
To get to the bottom line with minimum delay, Close Encounters of the Third Kind is a terrific movie, with every possibility of equaling the box office popularity of Star Wars.August 04, 2013
The special effects are spectacular, John Williams's score is emotionally charged, nouvelle vague director François Truffaut makes an elegant UFO expert and it's impossible not to get caught up in the protracted climax.