Directed by Gerald McCullouch, the film is based on the play by Dan Via, inspired by the 'daddy' phenomenon in the gay dating scene. Colin and Stew are two gay friends who have been virtually inseparable since college. But now Colin has fallen for a much younger man.
12 May 1973, Los Angeles, California, USA
30 December 1994, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
25 March 1984, Aurora, Colorado, USA
8 December 1946, Los Angeles, California, USA
12 May 1948, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, USA
6 November 1962, Burbank, California, USA
August 16, 2016
It's Ferrell and Wahlberg who keep this engine revving like it does, a statement that shouldn't come as a shock for all of those who watched the pair's 2010 hit The Other Guys.July 25, 2016
A chocolates-out, phone-off binge of Ted, Old School and The Other Guys will give you more satisfaction.December 29, 2015
Surprisingly sweet and sneakily hilarious, Daddy's Home will pleasantly surprise you when it lets loose.May 16, 2016
Unfortunately, it's a lot of family dysfunction to wade through for a meagre pay-off.December 25, 2015
A generic comedy as lazy and aggravating as its title.December 29, 2015
While sweet and occasionally waggish, it's too predictable to transcend mindless entertainment.December 25, 2015
Ferrell is a master at playing well intentioned but bumbling bozos, and he gives "Daddy's Home" a warm heart it wouldn't otherwise possess.December 25, 2015
Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg go together like candy and whiskey.August 04, 2016
Daddy's Home is the white bread of family comedies, stuffed with everything you've seen before.January 07, 2016
That's one problematic comedy.June 21, 2016
All in all, when the kids are disappointed that "Star Wars" is sold out, you can have a little fun with them here