Drive Angry
The movie tells the story of a vengeful undead criminal who escapes from hell to kill Jonah King, the leader of a Satanic cult, who has murdered his daughter and abducted her baby to sacrifice him at midnight of a full moon in Stillwater.
7 December 1972, Oakland, California, USA
13 October 1957, Millinocket, Maine, USA
13 November 1935, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
3 December 1985, Shreveport, Louisiana, USA
13 June 1971, Pontiac, Michigan, USA
27 November 1956, Mitchell Field Air Force Base, East Meadow, Long Island, New York, USA
7 November 1964, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
1 April 1956, Los Angeles, California, USA
May 03, 2015
There's a thin line between clever and stupid. NIc Cage walks it.February 15, 2013
There isn't much to Vancouver-raised director Patrick Lussier's film besides mayhem and muscle cars, but he sure gets those things right.February 26, 2011
It's actually refreshing that Lussier and Farmer don't belabor the film's internal mythology of satanic cults, hell and the devil's administrative assistants.September 28, 2012
Drive Angry is very obviously Nicolas Cage embracing his own ridiculousness, or - in language invented by Bad Lieutenant director Werner Herzog - "releasing the pigs".February 25, 2011
Great title -- shame about the movie.February 26, 2011
Cage passes the torch to the next generation of scene-chewing actors as he's graciously out-Caged by both Burke and shark-eyed William Fichtner as The AccountantAugust 26, 2015
Feels like an affectionate remake of an obscure 1978 Roger Corman production that might have been called "Hot Pants and the Devil Driver."February 26, 2011
Being stoned or otherwise buzzed might help.July 24, 2013
Performances, especially from William Fichtner and Amber Heard, are great and the 3D is pretty solid, but that's about all I can say for Drive Angry 3D in terms of positive aspects of the film.February 28, 2011
The appeal of Drive Angry is much the same as that of Piranha: a willingness to revel in absurdity to the degree where the exhilaration is infectious.January 16, 2013
A little respect, please, for His Satanic Majesty, Nicolas Cage. Nobody else could have made this work, or would have wanted to.