Natalie Portman is back in ' Hesher' directed by Spencer Susser, follows a young man - T.J who has a lot of tragedies in his life. T.J is an orphan when his mother died in a car accident and lives with his grand mother. One day, he meets up with Hesher who involves him in the crime. Then, his grandmom has to assemble family to help him thrive.
1 August 1963, Boulder, Colorado, USA
20 January 1966, Seattle, Washington, USA
12 July 1952, Fort Worth, Texas, USA
9 June 1981, Jerusalem, Israel
3 April 1988, Los Angeles, California, USA
21 February 1957, Sweetwater, Tennessee, USA
June 06, 2011
Fortunately, there's enough humor in all this to counteract the exploitation of weird logic and audacious coincidence.May 22, 2011
Powered by a character at once original and representational, Hesher courses with a unique verve missing in many independent productions, hovering somewhere between outright success and 'interesting failure.'May 13, 2011
Bad role models sometimes make the most interesting movie characters.May 20, 2011
Headbangs straight into your heart.May 13, 2011
When the blessed credits finally roll, the first thing Susser shows us is Hesher's tattoo of a raised middle finger. Backatcha, dude.May 13, 2011
Gordon-Levitt is a sly and inventive actor, and it can be genuinely fun to watch him having so much fun. But this character wears out his welcome fast.June 02, 2013
An unlikeable main character and a weak narrative flow turn Hesher into a mediocre film.May 13, 2011
Unlike many films that hope to be called black comedy, it does not skimp on either the black or the comedy.May 26, 2011
Susser cowrote the script, which relies on moments of profanity and impulsive violence to elicit terse little laughs and a melodramatic backstory to signal emotional resonance.May 13, 2011
Happily, Hesher never lays things out too clearly. Just as you never know where he came from, it's hard to grasp where he's going, or even what he's doing in the moment. But you know he fits somewhere. And that's satisfaction enough.May 20, 2011
Since [Gordon-Levitt's] one of the most energetic and inventive young actors in the business, you can't take your eyes off him. Unfortunately, the quality of the material makes you wish you could.