This comedy follows a young scientist in the contemporary world, who actually came from the world of dwarves, thanks to a magic potion, held by the Big Eater, ruler of the dwarves. The dwarf kingdom, Shuflandia, exists in a cellar...
December 24, 1926 in Krasnystaw, Lubelskie, Poland
December 2, 1943 in Domaniewice, Lódzkie, Poland
August 31, 1951 in Lódz, Lódzkie, Poland
January 8, 1967 in Radom, Mazowieckie, Poland
July 7, 1951 in Kalisz, Wielkopolskie, Poland
July 26, 1931 in Free City of Danzig [now Gdansk, Pomorskie, Poland]
July 3, 1928 in Lódz, Lódzkie, Poland
22 March 1962, Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland
November 6, 1936 in Bydgoszcz, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland
March 16, 1948 in Gryfice, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland