Letter from an Unknown Woman
Set in Vienna in 1900, the movie follows young pianist, Stefan Brand, who about to flee from a duel receives a letter from a woman he cannot remember, who may hold the key to his downfall.
16 March 1922, Long Beach, California, USA
9 December 1899, Helena, Montana, USA
September 20, 1888 in Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
November 11, 1891 in Ohio, USA
7 January 1937, Los Angeles, California, USA
4 April 1890
February 11, 1903 in Central City [now part of Huntington], West Virginia, USA
4 September 1876, Vienna, Austria-Hungary [now Austria]
9 September 1873, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
19 January 1892, Vienna, Austria-Hungary [now Austria]
October 16, 1902 in San Luis Obispo, California, USA
November 18, 2008
One of the greatest achievements in American film.September 23, 2006
Does the job of the perfect melodrama and moves the audience to tears.March 07, 2013
...a women's picture that nonetheless turns on male chauvinism.October 01, 2003
In the hands of Max Ophuls, the stuff of penultimate melodrama becomes the stuff of exquisite observation and contemplation.February 16, 2010
A weepie like they don't make them like anymore.January 01, 2000
A breathtaking, bitter, exquisitely orchestrated exploration of love and selfishness by Max Ophuls.July 04, 2009
One of Hollywood's, and cinema's, grandest and most emotionally satisfying tales of unrequited love and self-sacrifice.February 11, 2012
A moving weepie woman's picture.August 08, 2008
Remarkable romantic drama.June 24, 2006
Of all the cinema's fables of doomed love, none is more piercing than this.March 19, 2004