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Mad Max (1979)
Set in a self-destructing world, Mad Max follows a vengeful Australian policeman, who is tired of his job, when he sets out across the barren wastelands in search of revenge after his wife and child meet a grisly end at the hands of a motorcycle gang.

30 April 1948, Amiens, Somme, France

1953, Australia

24 July 1916, St. Kilda East, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

18 May 1947, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, British India

1951, Stepney, London, England, UK

April 15, 2016
It's a tough little piece, just a little grimy, full of ambiance (love the crumbling sign over "Hall of Justice") and attitude and occasionally sparked by an inspired flourish.
October 04, 2015
A solid and entertaining spectacle, filled with brilliantly staged action scenes and made all the more fascinating for its oracular indication of the age of bold movie science fiction that was to follow.
May 30, 2007
Stunts themselves would be nothing without a filmmaker behind the camera and George Miller, a doctor and film buff making his first feature, shows he knows what cinema is all about.
May 17, 2015
No imitation can compete with the grindhouse jaggedness of Miller's original pursuit
June 24, 2006
The tone sometimes wavers into self-parody, and there are occasional crude patches, but overall this edge-of-seat revenge movie marks the most exciting debut from an Australian director since Peter Weir.
May 30, 2007
Overnight, Mad Max went from being a U.S. cult hero to a mainstream figure, and Mel Gibson's place in the firmament was secured.
May 21, 2003
Mad Max is ugly and incoherent, and aimed, probably accurately, at the most uncritical of moviegoers.
May 30, 2007
Some of the most determinedly formalist filmmaking this side of Michael Snow.
January 06, 2016
While it may not be as slick as Miller's other films featuring Gibson's iconic anti-hero, Mad Max still remains a timeless classic and one of the more remarkable films of its (or any) time.
May 17, 2015
Its perhaps unjustified narrative shortcuts hardly seem to be much worth complaining about in the middle of its flawless action sequences.
May 11, 2015
[The] film has been consigned to the grind houses, where audiences are responding as Miller wants them to. From there Mad Max will find its way to the film schools and revival houses, where its tough-gutted intelligence may be appreciated.
June 17, 2015
An action masterpiece...