Madeas Family Reunion
Another interesting one from the staples of Tyler Perry; Madeas Family Reunion follows a trouble weekend for the large family reunion.
17 May 1976, New York City, New York, USA
22 May 1966, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
28 February 1970, Miami, Florida, USA
17 May 1976, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
13 December 1950, Petersburg, Virginia, USA
6 May 1953, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
November 14, 2013
Tyler Perry means well, but there is no denying that all of this would work far better on daytime television.June 21, 2008
All the while Madea's wit, which is refreshing on the stage, feels spurious and often misfires.March 07, 2006
Tyler Perry's heart is in the right place, but he still has a tin ear.February 19, 2007
A Tyler Perry tour de force!March 01, 2006
Let's not sell Tyler Perry short. As the vinegar-witted Madea, he's a drag performer of testy charm, but in his overlit patchwork way he's also making the most primal women's pictures since Joan Crawford flexed her shoulder pads.March 07, 2006
Perry's vaudevillian shamelessness and indifference to committee-approved taste are energizing and frequently jaw-dropping.February 28, 2006
Though Perry's films are hard to defend on aesthetic grounds -- the crazy shifts in tone from operatic melodrama to broad comedy could cause seizures -- it's equally hard to begrudge the underserved audiences who embrace them so passionately.March 03, 2006
At times it feels as if Perry made three separate films, dumped them in a blender and hit the puree button.January 24, 2012
The dysfunctional script and operatically excessive direction ... land someplace closer to outsider art than bad moviedom.November 01, 2006
Although his work isn't high art and is occasionally problematic, he's telling stories that aren't often told. And for that, this black woman can't be too mad at him.March 10, 2006
Nothing that happens seems the least bit believable, and everything is brash and loud. All that's missing is the laugh track.March 01, 2007
If there's one thing that Reunion doesn't lack, it's good intentions. Unfortunately, good intentions don't automatically guarantee a good movie.