Mobile Homes
A drama story follows a young woman, her drunken boyfriend, and her 8 year old son, who face hard times, as they move from one hotel to another. They had a miserable life till the discovery of a mobile home community that offers an stabled life.
2 January 1956, London, England, UK
14 September 1960, Sunderland, Tyne-and-Wear, England, UK
19 April 1966, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
May 25, 2017
The code here is pure fiction, very built, but narrated with pulse and extraordinarily measured interpretations. [Full review in Spanish]May 22, 2017
Boasts a few pleasingly poetic flourishes, but it suffers from some common first-time director flaws, notably a listless narrative, thinly developed characters and a relentlessly somber mood.April 19, 2018
Poots gives it her best shot, playing Ali as a woman who's spent far too long staying one step ahead of the consequences she knows are coming, but there's nothing to Mobile Homes that merits the effort.June 12, 2017
A squalid and deeply condescending portrait of what this outsider imagines lower-class Americana to be.June 01, 2017
The result is a mixed bag that demands too much dramatically, even if it speaks to de Fontenay's innate talent.April 20, 2018
Some problematic plot twists late in the film... But it's not enough to completely derail the movie's quiet charms.May 21, 2017
Mobile Homes isn't as tough or real as you might have wanted.April 20, 2018
Driving a van and living in motels, these are low-level grifters whose pathetic American Dream is to become trailer trash. Their roads lead to nowhere. So too does this rootless, desolation-adoring film.