Mr. Woodcock
John Farley, a self-help author, returns to his hometown and makes a shocking discovery: His mother is about to marry his old high school gym teacher, a man who made high school hell for generations of students.
28 August 1990, Los Angeles, California, USA
15 August 1975, Framingham, Massachusetts, USA
31 December 1991, San Antonio, Texas, USA
26 November 1965, Northbrook, Illinois, USA
July 12, 2008
Mr Woodcock is ok as far as predictable, low-brow Hollywood comedies are concerned, and it's considerably elevated by its above average cast.March 03, 2008
we're stuck with Amy Poehler telling us she's an alcoholic and an unaware Susan Sarandon watching two men act like idiots, which unfortunately isn't funny at all.September 14, 2007
Between Mr. Thornton's wry performance and Tami Reiker's nuanced wide-screen photography, you half-expect Woodcock to deliver more than formulaic laughs.January 15, 2008
The whole film is like a depressing nightmare.September 14, 2007
While two novice screenwriters are officially credited with the script, the movie lurches around like something assembled by committee.September 14, 2007
This may be the most laugh-free comedy of the year.September 14, 2007
This film apparently sat around for a few years before being released. It's unlikely to make waves now, but Thornton and Scott do set off a few entertaining ripples.September 14, 2007
This movie makes a much better case study for aspiring entertainment executives than it does a cinematic experience. What it most emphatically is not is a date movie.March 15, 2008
O longa não apenas acaba se revelando terrivelmente sem graça como também assusta por sua moral torta, condizente com a do personagem-título.January 10, 2008
Apparently, Billy Bob Thornton has embraced the idea of appealing to the lowest possible common denominator. How else can you explain his presence in another bad taste bottom-feeder which might have been better titled Bad Gym Teacher, ala Bad Santa?September 18, 2007
A dreary and depressing alleged comedy that takes a talented cast and a promising germ of an idea, and kills it dead.February 28, 2008
...a tedious and hackneyed effort that surely (and hopefully) marks Billy Bob Thornton's final appearance as a comedically misanthropic curmudgeon...