Red Dawn (1984)
Driving by their deep love and loyalty for their homeland, a group of high school students, after the mysterious attack held against the United States by Russia following the World War II, by putting its control over a small town in Colorado, flee and begin to fight the invasion, till the end, the thing that brings terrible for them.
9 December 1965, Livonia, Michigan, USA
9 February 1927, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
13 June 1918, Foraker, Shidler, Oklahoma, USA
1 September 1944, Buenos Aires, Argentina
31 May 1961, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
1 September 1937, Utica, New York, USA
9 February 1965, Powell, Wyoming, USA
June 02, 2006
C'mon: The Dirty Dozen meets The Breakfast Club? That's just awesome.November 14, 2005
Guilty pleasure film that one day you'll have to explain to your grandkids.August 12, 2014
Red Dawn knows what it wants to say; it just has a hard time saying it, and too often it goes for the easy score instead of really delving into the possibilities of the scenario.October 19, 2004
Commie paranoia rampant!December 15, 2010
Controversial, bloody 1980s WWIII film with teen heroes.March 18, 2017
The notion that any enemy would concern itself with Red State real estate is only slightly less believable than the notion that beer-guzzling yahoos would ward off such invaders when in reality they would just get drunk and shoot off their own toes.July 22, 2007
Released in the midst of renewed Cold War nuclear dread, Red Dawn doesn't starve for unintended wackiness.March 15, 2013
Certainly a silly Conservative leaning product of its decade, but one that still holds cache as a fun and exciting bit of escapism...April 03, 2006
See Red Dawn only when you're in the mood for a guilty pleasureApril 14, 2017
When it was released in late summer of 1984, it was a big hit, which shouldn't come as a surprise; this was the year when Reagan won the presidency in a landslide, and if nothing else, 'Red Dawn' plays like a Reaganite masturbatory fantasy.April 22, 2005
Good action flick and the first PG13 movie.