Shut In
The film follows a beautiful widowed psychologist living with her bedridden son who gets a terrible accident in isolated place. One day, a young boy is lost in the deadly storm which makes she must find track down him before it is too late.
18 March 1965, Ilford, Essex, England, UK
1994, Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire, England, UK
30 June 1966, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
19 June 1981, Paris, France
12 January 1960, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
5 October 2006, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
29 May 1981, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
28 September 1968, Shoreham, Kent, England, UK
March 16, 2017
It's the audience that gets locked into a "deep vegetative state."February 24, 2017
Too generic, and is contained within a genre that needs innovation and resourcefulness to stand out from the crowd, as a saturated market where so few productions feel unique.November 13, 2016
Watts gives her all to this overheated nonsense, but is powerless to make emotional sense of what turns out to be the story's twisted central relationship, and ends up being just another fiercely maternal damsel in distress.February 23, 2017
It's low-key and modestly budgeted, but perfectly well made, and Watts maintains a cool and steady presence.November 12, 2016
In this achingly inept thriller, you will see Naomi Watts do what she can to sell a plot of such preposterousness that the derisory laughter around me began barely 20 minutes in.November 15, 2016
As Mary loses sleep, her paranoia worsens, yet Christina Hodson's monotonous script fails to make Mary's psychological struggles feel any more severe than a case of misplaced keys.November 11, 2016
It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, scads of cliches appeared on the horizon.November 12, 2016
This hokey horror film should have stayed cooped up.February 24, 2017
Shut In feels unfinished and scrappy. If you want to watch Watts wriggling around naked and bound in a bathtub, it may entertain you for five minutes, but the only thing that's scary about it is the waste of talent.January 19, 2017
This shockingly empty thriller has a great cast, but, while delivering its jump-scares, it completely ignores the story's looming, daunting psychological and emotional ramifications.November 16, 2016
There isn't one genuine thrill in the whole thing. I've had bigger scares from my goldfish bowl.February 23, 2017
It's more likely to have the viewer giggling in disbelief than gasping with shock.