Tag (2018)
The film tells the story of five highly competitive friends who always try to risk their necks, jobs and relationships. This time, there is the only unbeatable wedding. What should be an easy target will become an all-out war that destroys everything.
4 February 1983, Chicago, Illinois, USA
10 March 1982, Nelson, British Columbia, Canada
27 September 1974, Seattle, Washington, USA
10 March 1971, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
June 29, 2018
Tag's real downfall comes as it shifts from lacklustre to offensive and insensitive.June 29, 2018
This one's first half stores enough in its hump to see it through the arid second. But like any man-child terminally sidetracked by interests better left in the playground, it never fulfils its potential.June 15, 2018
Based on a true story about fortysomething manchildren still playing tag, this bro-bonding comedy is all over the place, but fueled by a terrific cast and a partytime atmosphere that might be just what you're looking for on a hot summer night.June 28, 2018
It's a silly comedy about a real story [that's] as incredible as it is absurd. [Full review in Spanish]June 15, 2018
Another symptom of a long cinematic Hangover, complete with Ed Helms in the lead.June 21, 2018
It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.June 15, 2018
A documentary about the real-life group of friends would have been more fun, and much easier to believe.June 15, 2018
The cast is talented and game. But the game itself is grotesque, largely because of the characters they're forced to play.June 29, 2018
Tag makes for a fun and often heartfelt, if somewhat inconsistent, ride.June 28, 2018
I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it. [Full review in Spanish]June 21, 2018
Director Jeff Tomsic takes a broadly comic approach to the material that doesn't always serve it well, but the real-life story is captivating.June 28, 2018
Mostly Tag is a series of tag-related set pieces that range from mildly amusing to tiring.