The Edge of Love
Set in rural Wales and 1940s London, this biopic tells the story of two women (Keira Knightley, Sienna Miller) who are best friends and rivals for the love of poet Dylan Thomas.
11 June 1955, India
10 August 1948, Torquay, Devon, England, UK
25 May 1976, Douglas, Cork, Ireland
1941, Chichester, Sussex, England, UK
13 January 1961, Hastings, East Sussex, England, UK
9 February 1984, Swansea, Wales, UK
22 November 1944, London, England, UK
1948, London, England, UK
1970, Trinafour, Perth and Kinross, Scotland, UK
November 22, 2010
[Knightley & Miller] frolicking on the beach ... could easily be a couple of models from a Boden fashion shoot at play.July 23, 2009
When it's over...we have to wonder why any of it mattered in the first place.April 02, 2009
This may be Knightley's first truly mature performance. Too bad it arrives wrapped in doggerel.May 14, 2009
click for full reviewMarch 20, 2009
The movie makes for an engaging enough period piece.April 03, 2009
The Edge of Love holds a lot of promise in its first hour and never completely falls apart, but it's ultimately not the movie it might have been.March 20, 2009
While Thomas fans will regret seeing their literary hero reduced to a generic drunk, even those awaiting the aforementioned bathtub scene will find it barely worth the effort.March 20, 2009
For all its vivid evocation of its characters' tomorrow-we-die bonhomie, the film finally never quite convinces viewers of its central subject: the sisterly, almost sapphic bond between Vera and Caitlin.July 06, 2010
Despite the supposed passion that such material should inspire, what is presented is an emotionally void "love" story, which features three cold, distant, and un-likeable characters.May 08, 2009
Ah, the London Blitz. Bombs falling, buildings on fire, people dying all around. Good times, good times.April 16, 2009
The Edge of Love is literate and often lovely to look at, but unless you're requesting an off-key bohemian rhapsody, do not go gentle into that good theater.July 08, 2009
Maybury tackles the great Dylan Thomas in The Edge of Love, a speculative investigation into a cloudy period of the poet and dramatist's personal life. [Blu-ray]