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The Hollars
John Holar is in a difficult period where his mother has a tumor in the brain and will be removed in the midst of dramatic events that occur to him where his girlfriend Rebecca is pregnant in the eighth month of her first child elsewhere where doctors succeeded in removing the tumor, but his mother eventually dies.
4 May 1947, DeKalb, Illinois, USA
9 February 1976, New York City, New York, USA
9 August 1985, Portland, Maine, USA
28 November 1984, Rocky Mount, North Carolina, USA
27 November 1973, Johannesburg, South Africa
March 22, 2017
With a certain hint of dark comedy, Jim Strouse's script talks about the economic crisis, small business's problems and the return of the forty-year-old to home. [Full review in Spanish]March 14, 2017
The director manages to give the film that fair dose of sentimentalism and a cute sense of humor without being cheesy, all thanks to a perfect cast of actors. [Full review in Spanish]September 08, 2016
It is a perfect storm of boredom.January 01, 2017
The Hollars does achieve occasional poignant moments, most of them due to Martindale's warm presence and the goodwill she inspires. But the other actors have little to work with.September 01, 2016
"The Hollars" is an uneven, ineffective and self-conscious dysfunctional family comedy/drama with a Sundance-y vibe, and scene after scene in which the greatly talented and usually quite likable cast members keep stepping in big piles of wrong choices.September 08, 2016
Opening with a promising first act comprising well-observed, edgy humor, the film ends with an overdose of treacle so syrupy, so pungent, it will unsettle the strongest tummy.September 01, 2016
If Krasinski relates in any significant way to his character's self-doubt, you wouldn't know it from the movie, on which he does confident double duty as director.September 01, 2016
Jenkins and Martindale, both old hands at this sort of "dramedy" material, come through for Krasinski as the story darkens in the second half.March 17, 2017
Fun situations and dialogues are scarce and dramatic moments become trivialized until they're deprived of any capacity to move. [Full review in Spanish]October 05, 2016
Maybe there's a longer, more graceful earlier version out there. Maybe there's an earlier version of the screenplay that emphasizes authenticity over punchlines. But what's on screen feels like an overly cautious, watered-down final draft.September 15, 2016
Krasinski, who also directed the film, may have spread himself too thin; there's a desperation about the closing scenes, cluttered as they are with bouncy pop songs on the soundtrack.March 06, 2017
A film that possesses a certain personality, given that it give its characters a force above the archetype they represent, but in the long run, it's not enough. [Full review in Spanish]