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Juliette Lewis

Juliette Lewis

Birthday: 21 June 1973, Los Angeles, California, USA
Height: 168 cm

Juliette Lewis has been recognized as one of Hollywood's most talented and versatile actors of her generation since she first stunned audiences and critics alike with her Oscar-nominated performa ...Show More

Juliette Lewis
Just to buck the system in California, I bought a Mazda for $6,000 when I was 15 without even bother Show more Just to buck the system in California, I bought a Mazda for $6,000 when I was 15 without even bothering to get a license. Hide
Just 'cause I'm in the same age bracket as Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't mean we all scr Show more Just 'cause I'm in the same age bracket as Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't mean we all screw together. Hide
Fame can be just so annoying because people are so critical of you. You can't just say "hi". You say Show more Fame can be just so annoying because people are so critical of you. You can't just say "hi". You say hi and people whisper "Man, did you see the way she said Hi. What an attitude." Hide
Juliette Lewis's FILMOGRAPHY
as Actor (200)