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Robert Conrad

Robert Conrad

Birthday: 1 March 1935, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Birth Name: Conrad Robert Norton Falk
Height: 173 cm

Robert Conrad was a graduate of Northwestern University, spending his first few years out of school supporting himself and his family by driving a milk truck and singing in a Chicago cabaret. Conrad b ...Show More

Robert Conrad
[3/61, interview in Motion Picture magazine] Sometimes I'm so preoccupied you have to drop a bomb to Show more [3/61, interview in Motion Picture magazine] Sometimes I'm so preoccupied you have to drop a bomb to communicate with me and most of the time I only average four hours sleep. I don't mind. I wanted to work this hard. Hide
[10/62, interview in Photoplay magazine] If one of the girls came to me before she had finished high Show more [10/62, interview in Photoplay magazine] If one of the girls came to me before she had finished high school and announced that she had intended to marry a boy with no job and little education, I'd forbid it--just like a stern father in a melodrama. Hide
[about The Wild Wild West (1965)] We always put in lot more (fighting) than we really wanted to see. Show more [about The Wild Wild West (1965)] We always put in lot more (fighting) than we really wanted to see. (The censors) would say, "We're going to take out two punches . . . two of this . . . three of that . . . ". So when they finished,we were still left with what we really wanted anyway. Hide
[10/62, asked in interview in Photoplay magazine if his daughter were to marry as a teenager like he Show more [10/62, asked in interview in Photoplay magazine if his daughter were to marry as a teenager like he did] If some sixteen-year-old punk were to come to me and say, "Sir, I want to marry your daughter" I'd say, "Fine", and escort him to an analyst. The average boy that age isn't remotely capable--from any point of view, including the emotional--of supporting a family. Hide
[11/61, interview in Photoplay magazine] I neither condemn nor condone the morals of others. I think Show more [11/61, interview in Photoplay magazine] I neither condemn nor condone the morals of others. I think there are very few, really, whose conduct reflects unfavorably on the rest of us in this mythical kingdom of Hollywood. There are men who need many women in order to bolster their egos--half the time, they don't remember the girl's name afterward. But I've got a good ego to start with, and I'm too sensitive for a quick relationship with a dame and sex alone would never be enough for me. Marriage is something that goes way beyond the flesh. Each human being has his own need for security . . . It's great to have someone to lean on . . . it's great to have someone lean on you. Hide
Robert Conrad's FILMOGRAPHY - Page 4
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Robert Conrad Robert Conrad'S roles