Batman: The Animated Series - Season 4
Season 4 presents a variety of powerful and thrilling adventures with Batman, where Batman helps detective Harvey Bullock, who seems to have become a real target for some reprisals. Alfred, a former British spy, was summoned to a new mission. Alfred was summoned to the service where he becomes the target of the red clutch unexpectedly, and recognizes Batman and Robin the exploits of Jonah Hicks, the serious criminal who dealt with the head of the eternal Ghoul.
1 August 1975, Roseburg, Oregon, USA
2 November 1978, Provo, Utah, USA
25 October 1950, Houston, Texas, USA
30 October 1931, Culver City, California, USA
30 May 1944, Houston, Texas, USA
25 September 1951, Oakland, California, USA
22 May 1941, Los Angeles, California, USA
16 October 1952, Galveston, Texas, USA
31 December 1944, London, England, UK
19 November 1952, Los Angeles, California, USA
4 April 1935, Chicago, Illinois, USA
July 12, 2018
No other Saturday morning cartoon was as inventive and memorable in every aspect, creating a piece of art that still stands the test of time.July 12, 2018
Its influence can be seen in cartoons even today, as it set a particular standard for artistic quality in animation.July 12, 2018
On top of its beautiful visuals and vocals, Batman also boasted a tone far more adult than one might expect from a comic book cartoon.July 12, 2018
If you are ever looking for a great comic book adaptation, live action or animated, you can't get better than this.July 13, 2018
Batman: The Animated Series did so many things so well that when they're all on display at the same time, the results are some of the best pieces of superhero media ever produced.July 12, 2018
Running for 2 seasons... Batman: The Animated Series was notable for its fearless take on darker, more complex material, beautifully shot action and establishment scenes, and its film noir aesthetic.July 12, 2018
Batman: The Animated Series was, and remains, an exemplary body of work.July 12, 2018
While still of a high quality, the original seasons -- from 1992 to 1995 -- remain the best.August 31, 2018
Though Batman has always flirted with darkness... this particular show is where the gothic grit of Bruce Wayne and the eccentric extremes of a memorable rogue's gallery.