Transformers - Season 2
The second season begins with a series of exciting animation adventures, where Decepticons are manipulating the island, creating odd-looking gaps that allow all sorts of things from different times to reach at present. On the other hand, Autobots tries to stop the Decepticon plot but in the end, their best hope may be Dinobots. On the other hand, there is a failure to make a gap between the Decepticons and the insects and perhaps Mirage's mind will suddenly be enslaved.
28 July 1951, Mobile, Alabama, USA
26 October 1950, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
28 March 1957, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
14 July 1952, Los Angeles, California, USA
19 January 1952, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
30 March 1958, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
27 April 1932, Detroit, Michigan, USA
2 June 1924, Chicago, Illinois, USA
29 August 1947, USA